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Beyond Beginner Game Dev with GameMaker Studio 2
Greetings & Welcome
1.1 - Course Introduction (1:31)
1.2 - What We'll Cover (2:04)
1.3 - How to Solve Problems & Ask Questions (2:38)
1.4 - Accessing The Resources (1:39)
1.5 - GameMaker 2 and 2.3 Differences (7:12)
The First Room
2.1 - Importing the Sprites We'll Need (8:39)
2.2 - The Room Size and Views (7:53)
2.3 - Tile Sets (9:56)
2.4 - Preparing For Our First Enemy (5:14)
The First Enemy + Paths
3.1 - A Wild Goblin Enemy Appears! (5:36)
3.2 - Introduction to Paths (6:30)
3.3 - Our First Path (5:28)
3.4 - More Path Data (5:42)
Enemy Difficulty + 2D Arrays
4.1 - Dynamically Spawning Enemies (11:27)
4.2 - Intro to 2D Arrays (3:48)
4.3 - Using 2D Arrays (5:31)
4.4 - Adding Difficulty (3:41)
The Grid
5.1 - The Tower Maker (4:58)
5.2 - Drawing Our Grid (10:09)
5.3 - The Tower Base (14:04)
The First Tower
6.1 - The Archer Tower (8:43)
6.2 - Moving and Cursor (3:54)
6.3 - Rotating the Tower (11:03)
6.4 - Shooting (7:43)
6.5 - Damaging the Goblin (4:32)
6.6 - Shooting Sound (5:05)
The Player
7.1 - Taking Damage from Enemies (8:26)
7.2 - Shaking the Screen (15:31)
7.3 - Drawing Health (9:54)
7.4 - Player Gold and UI (10:48)
Another Enemy + Advanced Spawning
8.1 - Second Enemy Sprites and Objects (2:41)
8.2 - Counting the Enemies (7:12)
8.3 - Spawning Enemies from a 2D Array (9:23)
Parents & Inheritance
9.1 - Parents and Inheritance Introduction (5:55)
9.2 - Enemy Parents (6:41)
9.3 - Inheriting Enemy Code (8:28)
9.4 - Making More Parents (4:42)
More Enemies + Dynamic Paths
10.1 - Importing Enemy Sprites & Making Objects (7:33)
10.2 - The Scorpion Enemy (5:40)
10.3 - The Flying Skeleton and Dynamic Paths (12:49)
10.4 - Fixing a Few Things (2:12)
Tilesets + Collisions
11.1 - Intro to Tileset Collisions (3:47)
11.2 - Good to Build Script Part 1 (9:37)
11.3 - Good to Build Script Part 2 (6:15)
11.4 - Visual Indications for Building (6:34)
The Wizard Tower + Particles
12.1 - The Fireball Tower Sprites & Objects (3:28)
12.2 - Particles Introduction (6:54)
12.3 - The Fireball Particle (16:09)
12.4 - The Fireball Tower (8:37)
12.5 - Later Death for the Fireball (4:20)
The Sludge Tower
13.1 - The Sludge Tower Sprites and Objects (3:44)
13.2 - The Sludge Object (11:44)
13.3 - Shoot At Script (7:12)
Making It Playable
14.1 - The System Object (3:40)
14.2 - Macros Intro and Global Tower Array (12:00)
14.3 - Changing Towers in Game (6:45)
14.4 - Drawing Available Towers (15:47)
14.5 - Making Towers Cost Gold (8:40)
14.6 - Draw level Info (15:33)
14.7 - Correcting Tower Audio (3:25)
The Overworld
15.1 - The Overworld Setup (8:54)
15.2 - Overworld Levels & Rooms (12:38)
15.3 - Drawing Stars and Rating (8:01)
15.4 - Saving and Loading Introduction (6:10)
15.5 - Saving a Star Rating (8:48)
15.6 - Loading the Star Rating (7:52)
15.7 - Deleting Data (4:21)
15.8 - Creating Another Level and Parent Level Code (10:46)
15.9 - Making the Rest of the Levels (17:10)
15.10 - Require Playing Previous Levels (11:21)
15.11 - Animating the Overworld (10:57)
15.12 - Background Music (6:30)
15.13 - Total Kills (12:30)
15.14 - The Cheat Script (4:53)
Fancy Transitions
16.1 - A Simple Fade From Black (3:21)
16.2 - Introduction to Surfaces (4:14)
16.3 - The Fancy Transition (32:01)
Playing With Speed
17.1 - The Button Sprites and Objects (4:49)
17.2 - The Pause Button (11:08)
17.3 - Speed up and Slow down Buttons (7:11)
17.4 - A Small Transition Issue (3:08)
17.5 - The Continue Button (3:25)
18.1 - Fireworks Part 1 (6:49)
18.2 - Fireworks Part 2
Options + Upgrading
19.1 - The Option Sprites and Objects (3:25)
19.2 - Creating and Destroying Options (4:53)
19.3 - Tower Upgrades Array (12:01)
19.4 - Upgrading Our Towers (16:51)
19.5 - Deleting Towers (8:36)
Textbox + Compiling The Game
20.1 - Setting Up Our Text Box (7:01)
20.2 - Drawing Text and DrawMessage Script (16:06)
20.3 - Exporting Our Game (7:41)
Misc Fixes
What's Been Caught So Far (5:44)
What's Next?
21.1 - Way to Go! What Now? (1:15)
21.2 - Here's a Coupon
19.4 - Upgrading Our Towers
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